17 July, 2010


Again, new plan! what? I know. It's crazy. But I have a goal now! I want to look semi-okay for when I go to Cedar Point next Saturday. So yeah I need this or I'm going to feel like crap about myself then.

The Plan:
- 500 - 1000cal a day, as low as I can basically but I'm not fasting cause with my life it's basically impossible and I don't want to gain it all back or have a possibility of failing.
- 500 sit-ups a day. I was inspired by Whisps of Gypsy. And I need need need need NEED! to have a flat tummy.
- Jilian Michaels work out video. Half hour sets, if I'm ambitious I'll do two a day. For Monday - Friday. At the hardest possible mode. Yeah!
- Treadmill for at least 30min. I want to be realistic here. I want to do at least an hour but by tuesday I'll probably be sore as hell. So we'll see.
- aim for losing 2lb. Again, realistic. Plus I'll be 110 again (:!
- Rules: Stay vegetarian (fish is allowed) and as many fruits and veggies as I can instead of breads and stuff. No eating past 7 (or 3 hours before I sleep) No or very little calories from drinks. Lots of water! And get plenty of sleep.

I can do this! I have to. I just needed a goal (: you'll see.

I'll start counting tomorrow, I think I'm okay for today but yeah. d;

1 comment:

  1. That sounds great good luck and very reasonible!
    stAy stroNg!
    xoxo lyndee
