07 July, 2010


Another new day! Yesterday went pretty good. I got a lot of stuff done and still had plenty of time to hangout with Jose. We ordered pizza and watched The Strangers. Sad thing, I ate a whole small pizza. like yes before that point I only had... about.. 450 calories? I believe. And I didn't have anything after but still. That's got to be at least 1,300 calories. I need to stop this binge craze. I've been craving that pizza place though for like months. So now I can't get pizza till that happens again. Jose hates pizza so he's helping me in that department. xD Hopefully We're going to go running today. I'm starting the day off good with a nice yogurt, 100cals.

Not much real "news" going on. Once I get settled down with my cleaning routine I'll focus more on my eating. If I don't get this down first then things will rocket into a downward spiral. Nobody wants that.

Stay positive <3 -Audri

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