20 July, 2010

Day 3

Today is a better day. Sorry, I hate when I'm like how I was yesterday. I didn't talk to Jose about it. It's not a big deal though. Like, it's just a bunch of crap I fill in my head. Jose loves me. I should never doubt that ever. If he wants to be with another girl or do other things then he knows the right thing to do is to leave. And although I may be effected negatively by it, maybe one day it would be for the better. If it were to happen at all. I'm trying to get better. Trying to find myself more. We'll see how it goes.

Yesterday I ate - a bowl of cereal, a Cup of Ice cream, A grilled cheese, A half of a potato but it had cheesy crap on top, a salad and a piece of bread. I think that's it. But I went over in calories I know that much. But I did walk for an hour outside, a whole 3.5miles xD half way across town. lol So that probably burned like 3-400 calories. i think. But still that's not too good.

I'm getting my hair cut! ahh. I don't know how to get it still. I have something in mind but I've never really done it before so I'm not sure how it will look. And I'm probably going alone ;c lol. Cause Jose won't even be up yet! I plan on doing the work out video and running. Just like in my plans. I'm feeling lighter. Like my tummy is getting kinda flatter, like less bloated. I haven't weighed myself but I probably haven't lost anything or not that much yet.

Food I can eat:
Yogurt - 100cal
Fruit - 100cal
V-8 - 30cal
Cheese slice - 80cal
Salad - 100cal

Total - 410cal

Dinner - at the max, 500cal
I will either....
try and eat this frozen meal thing with Jose (300cal)
Subway if we get fast food (300cal)
out to eat at Applebee's (under 550cal meals, plus I won't eat it all so it'll be even less!)

mwahaha I plan for everything! x) today will work out great.

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