11 July, 2010

Like a feather

I feel pretty light, I can't weigh myself today cause the only scale we have is in my parents bathroom. Lame. So tomorrow I'll update on a weight. Last time looked I was 113lbs in the afternoon. Hopefully I'm lower then that. My stomach has gone down too, like it still has fat but it's not as bloated looking as it always is. So there's progress. Let's hope it continues, despite some of my few slip ups.

Yogurt - 100cal
Toast with butter - 110cal
Broccoli - 160cal
Scallops - 100cal
Candied Carrots - 250cal
Scalloped Potatoes - 350cal

Total - 1070+cal

I forgot I had a doctors appointment and I'm afraid she'll question me because of my weight so I had larger servings of dinner then I planned and got a McFlurry. I'm pretty sure I'm under 1,500, I forget how much a small mcflurry is, I was thinking 300-400cal range, idk. But yeah, let's hope I just maintained.


1 comment:

  1. I love your blog I have been reading it and it sounds Luke you go through what a lot of us all go through not feeling worthy or good enough in our own eyes. I know that sucks but I'm really excited to keep reading your blog good luck with your drs appointment and if your dr gets suspicious blame it on bathroom issues from food poisioning because ehhem...diareah ( sorry gross but it will work) also causes electrolyte embalences which occurs when you restrict also. Hope that was helpful!:)
    stAy stroNg! thiN(k) thiN!
    xoxo lyndee
