01 August, 2010


So gross. Yesterday I ate sooooo ridiculously much. I went to a grad party and ate like a plate and a half of party food. THEEEENNN I went out to eat with Jose and his parents and I tried a gyro which was either gonna mean that I didn't like it and wasn't gonna eat it but I did like it. I only ate half of it but had a little bit of potato pancakes and a milkshake. I was dying. Literally was bloated a good 3 inches in my stomach. When I got home I cleaned Jose's room for a good 2 hours, better then just sitting or laying watching TV. I guesss. I drank a ton of water to try and clean out my system.

I basically never want to eat again. aha. And I rather be hungry then bloated and full like that ever again. So that's what I'm gonna try and do. I won't count but I might start to soon if I can't keep myself under control. d; lameeee

One good thing, I'm going to the renaissance fair today! lots of walking (: woo. and we don't have a ton of money and I don't want to spend any of mine or Jose's so I won't eat much. mwahaha d;

So stupid to even think I could leave go back to eating normal when I was so successful.

I'm keeping up with my running plan thing! so that's good. today I would have to take a break and walk today so I'll get my walking in at the fair.

Have a good day girls!

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