14 August, 2010


I'm really thirsty. But I hate tap water ;c

119 pages to go in "The American Revolution: A History" By Gordon Wood. Plus 6 questions from the worksheet and the summary thing.

Wednesday I get my schedule, very excited for.

The Wednesday after that school starts, not so excited. But I'm a senior woo! It feel so strange cause I'm graduating early. Well I just fit all the requirements into 3 years so I kind of just skipped my Junior year. Long story as to why.

I have to go clean the bathroom.

I vowed not to pester Jose or go over his house until he has texted me back. It's almost 2 o'clock. =.= But I know he's still sleeping. He really needs to get his schedule fixed.

My body just now wants to switch my sleeping schedule. I won't allow it though.

Yesterday I was probably between 1,000 and 2,000 calories and without exercise. All crap food too.

Today I had a quesadilla. Yup.

I probably won't exercise cause it's 90 outside and I can't run or do the workout video and I have more important things to do instead of yoga.

I kind of sorta want to fast but I just can't do that to my body v.v

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