29 August, 2010


Just a quick post cause I should really be getting to bed. I've been busier so that's my reason for not blogging. Food has taken a back burner. So has Japanese, relaxation, cleaning and general other things. School consumes kids. I need to get more organized. But other then that I think I'm doing alrighty. I'm feeling better about Jose. Not like any of you need to know this but we, as you say, made love the other day. He's been seeming more normal and lovey and actually wanting of my presence. Which is very very good. I think I'm doing alright of showing him that I'll always be here. Cause I love him. No matter if I see him everyday or once a week. I'll do what makes him happy. I understand that he will be busy and I will try my darnedest to not get in the way of things or make him stressed. We can make it, I know it.

Other then that nothing much has been going on. Just life. I'm feeling better I think. I was in this funk. But things are getting better. I just needed a little bit of a change (:

btw I'm coloring my hair back to brown. x)

Love ya all -Audri

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