10 August, 2010

WinterGirls - Reviewed.

I'm not like a pro here I'm just saying what I thought about the book. x) It was pretty good. Kind of scary though. That's probably how I was able to read it so fast. d; It scares me cause I don't want to end up like that. As I've said before, I don't think of myself as having an eating disorder. Just a food complex. I want to be strong and healthy. But I still envy those tiny little girls walking around at school or the mall. People already tell me I'm skinny and if I drop any lower in weight my doctor will probably flip. But I don't feel like I'm that small. Like what if I'm already messed up in my thinking and body image. I don't know it just scares me. x)

One part of the book I liked was when she went to the bake sale. The ladies that were there were all like 'oh you're so small, you don't have to worry like us, eat somethin!" And that's exactly the mindset of America. If you're skinny, there is no reason for you to exercise or eat healthy foods. And if you do this there must be something wrong with you. I hate it. HateItHateItHateIt. Cause I'm sitting here, barely able to jog for a minute straight, arteries already starting to line with cholesterol, lungs in bad condition from living with smokers, bubbly ripples of fat around my stomach and thighs. Do they not see the picture? Everyone should exercise. Everyone should eat right. Everyone should be working towards perfection.

I'm happy about the ending of the book. It just reminds me how I want to sort of specialize in trying to recover people with an ED. Show them that there is a way to stay healthy and love how you look. idk if my theory's will work though. But I mean if I just had to never look at a scale again and eat whatever floats my way and not exercise like I think I should then I'd probably go crazy. It's just something that I think we all worry about, all the time. And if we just redirect the mind from going "I must lose weight no matter what" to "I must be healthy no matter what" then those people can still have similar thoughts and worries and feelings that they're naturally always going to have except they have a different goal in mind so they can tackle all their worries in a more positive manner. It seems like it would work in my head. I dunno d:

Okay so this is less of a book review and more of "thoughts that came to mind while reading." But over all it was a good book, very engaging? I guess you would call it that. x) well worth the read, it's not that long either. So go buy it or find it online! xD

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