21 August, 2010


I'm currently in the process of dying my hair blond. It will either look retarded or beautiful. I'm hoping the latter. And that Jose likes it. I feel that it might be some like revelation in my life. Like that I'll be this brand new person and people at school will like me and I'll become popular and I'll be more adventurous and my boyfriend will be proud to be with me. rah. I need a change. I sure hope that it will turn out good. Cause I mean it's more then just hair. Like if it fails, it's no big deal and life will continue as normal. But if not, this could be semi-life changing.

What am I talking about I'm blowing it out of proportion lol x) but whateva! I haven't really thought about eating or counting calories or looking at scales (mainly cause I'm afraid) or even exercising. The exercise part I want to get back to cause I just noticed I have more definition in my legs and my calves actually have some muscle in them. It's kinda cool.

I'm going back to school in... 4 days? this Wednesday. It's supper scary. I'm completely planned out though. I know where I gotta go, know where my locker is, got my combo, know some people in my classes, know where I'm goin for lunch. I sure hope it will be a good year. I plan to grow up a bit, actually, scratch that. I hope to stay about the same in maturity but learn to have fun and let loose and be a dork. gain some self-confidence, just generally become a better me. I need that. I'm a litter scattered right now and I just need to bring all my good qualities all into one.

So I wish you girls all the best with whatever you're dealing with right now. If you're in a low, don't worry, you'll get through it. And if you're at a high, don't take it for granted! Be happy and love life no matter what's going on! Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to change things around.

"Forget Regret."

Maybe I should get a tattoo of that. x)

I know I'm crazy, but being positive is nice.


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