24 September, 2010

Why Hello

Things I've realized/learned this week.
- I've lost weight. And I do look better then I did months ago.
- I want to incorporate exercising into my day.
- Life isn't so bad when you let yourself eat a little and stop worrying.
- I need to give Jose room so that he won't get sick of me. Plus it will make him happy. And that's what I live for.
- Giving him more time alone will give me more time alone where I can get work done and fit in exercise time.
- Don't worry so much. Everything will be alright and in the long run it won't matter so much.
- Failure leads to recognizing your downfalls and therefor doing better in the future.

Plans for this weekend

- Go on college website thing.
- Possibly run or exercise Friday night, more if possible.
- Message Sam back

- Get new Pants
- AP US: Notes 7.1
- Anatomy: Read ch. 3
- Pre Calc: Worksheet 5.5
- Econ: Read Ch. 2

- AP US: Notes 7.2 and Questions for 7.1
- Anatomy: Notes/note cards for ch. 3
- Gov't: Pick topic for paper

- AP US: Notes 7.3 and Questions for 7.2
-Econ: Review Chapter (end of chapter questions)

*Little update*
Got 2 pairs of new pants, yoga pants, 2 long sleeve t's and a button up plaid shirt too. I was excited, I fit into zeros. it's Old Navy so they run kind of big but still. It was cool. but Jose ruined that small little happy moment by saying that it was "ew". Basically calling me gross. They fit like my other pants, just a little tighter, what's the big deal? Made me angry. On top of that he gave me sarcastic one word answers and didn't respond when I told him "have a good day at work, love you babe" even though he had plenty of time to. Hopefully he's not spiteful and not send me a text when he's on break. :/ Guess I shouldn't have send "uhh okay or not.." afterward but this whole week he just has seemed like pissed with me except for the times when he doesn't want to which usually leads to him annoying the crap out of me by tickling me or things like that or if he wants sex. So lose lose situation for me. I mean sex is nice and all, just not when he ignores me afterward and I feel completely used. ugh. My mom is making yummy stir fry tonight. I don't care the calories. Not right now. I'll worry later. Or maybe not at all. Just as long as I can still fit in my new jeans. I'll start exercising. It'll be all good.

Things not to mention to Jose: If I'm hungry, how much I ate that day, how much I might want to eat for later, if I'm happy or not with my weight, how much exercise I did, if I'm looking for a job, amount of school work, my worries about school
and that's about it.
Not like I'm trying to hide anything from him, if he asks, I'll give an honest response, it just seems that those are the things in my life that stress him. So none of that. I'm trying to do what he wants here. And stressing him out is not one of them.

blah whatever, hope everyone is doing good. Even though nobody reads this but that's alright, maybe someday.

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