09 September, 2010

A new plan? why yes indeed.

Until Saturday I will eat healthy things in decent proportions. Also following along with the "eat when I'm actually hungry" idea. Kind of in hopes of giving my metabolism a good healthy regular amount of energy so it can work at its best.

This is in preparation of a week long fast. I'm basically saying "fuck it" to health. sort of. People can go a week without food. It's really no big deal. And I want to super clean my system.
If my parents find out, my reasoning behind it will be: I've been getting stomach aches and it always seemed to happen after I eat so naturally it makes me want to not eat and I've been feeling kind of stressed with school and haven't always found the time to eat. Plus then when I started to think about it I thought maybe I should just take a tiny eating break to give my stomach a rest and really clean it out good with just water and stuff (in hopes to get rid of the stomach aches). blah blah blah.

The only reason I won't do it is if Jose won't let me. I'm going to tell him cause then he'll probably end up helping me. Like he can eat a large snack after school and so he won't be hungry for dinner so I won't need to like be in an awkward, I have to eat, situation. I think he'll be okay with it. I might try and convince him to do it with me.

Rules of the Week-Long Fast
- Only allowed to have zero calorie drinks. (water, diet/no sugar added tea, life water, ect.)
- Take calcium tablets in the morning. (my birth control depletes calcium in my body, there's nothing wrong with strong bones, and calcium is used in muscle contractions.)
- blog about how I feel that day and my weight

Yup. that's about all now that I'm thinking about it. But here are some thoughts I'll keep in mind considering this is my first fast.
- Don't put pressure on yourself to exercise (to avoid any obvious negative reactions)
- Don't be disappointed if you don't loose any/loose a small amount. (Even if it's only a pound that's better then nothing.)
- If you fail half way through, it's not a big deal. At least you tried and have now experienced what it's like and how difficult it is.
- if for some reason I feel like I'm going to die or if it's majorly taking a toll on my grades, stop!
- when you come off of the fast, eat only vegetables for the first day, vegetables and tiny bit of meat the second, veggies, small meat, small fruit for the third and then after that restrict and stay away from carbs and dairy. (basically eat small bites and gradually introduce it to the system again. like for example the first day back I'll eat 1 carrot. If that makes me hungry then I'll eat 1 more, wait a small amount of time, still hungry? have another. basically eat when I'm actually hungry. don't binge, even if it's healthy. go slow, take your time.)

Those are all basically just for me to keep in mind. If anyone wants to join me or has any good tips then please share, always willing and would love to talk to any of you :)

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