11 September, 2010


So yes, hello to all of you great girls. Today is day one of my fast. I haven't really had a good time to ask Jose about it. So as of right now he's blissfully sleeping away under his black sheets. I'll talk about all that stuff in a sec. I think I'll be able to do it today. My parents are going to this clam bake / art festival thing and I don't have to go. yay. that has the evening covered. I'm not sure about this morning/afternoon though. I'm at Jose's house and he probably won't eat breakfast and will probably just snack on stuff for lunch. lets hope. I should start drinking some water.

Weight: 107lbs on the dot. (I was surprised by this because I thought I was averaging 110 but yesterday or the day before I was 108.5 in the middle of the day after eating. so. I guess it's pretty accurate.)

Yesterday (Friday) Jose stayed home from school and was sick. He barely ate anything, mainly just stayed in bed or on the couch. He tossed his cookies a few times, the whole shabang. But today he's feeling better so no need to worry (: I asked my parents last night if I could stay a little later then normal so I can comfort him and take care of him. My moms response was "we understand, you can stay the night if his parents are alright with it." his parents were sleeping and I'm not quiet sure what they think at the moment (if they ask I got here at 7ish) and everything is kind of working out. I love my parents x) the first actual night I was allowed to stay over. it was nice. even though he hogged the blankets and we had the air conditioning on. I eventually got a blanket though. x) so that was my night!

Love ya all, ya keep me inspired.

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