03 September, 2010


Yeah it's friday woo! I'm going to spend it with a nice 4hour study session. yeeessss. But I'll relax with my baby afterward. That's my "reward" for doing it. Today has been good, 500cal limit again. I have no idea how I'm going to the smaller calorie limits. xD it's hard enough to accomplish this. Not like, control wise, I think I can handle it pretty well, but like tonight I hope I don't go over cause my mom might make me eat dinner or Jose might make me finish his fries from work and so on and so forth. Good news, I've only had 190(rounding it to 200 cause I always think I'm miscalculating) cals so far. It's almost 4pm. that's a whopping 300 for tonight! aha. My plan is to tell my mom that jose wants to go and get something after work cause he's sick of burgers. x) and my plan to tell jose is that I had a big dinner and I am not hungry! I kind of want to save 150cal just in case if we do go out, 99cent 150cal fresco taco at T-bell. I love them so much. Taco Bell is ridiculously cheap so that's all we ever go to anymore and 2 tacos for 300cal? that's awesome. I'm pretty sure you can't even get a small fry for 300cal. Always a good choice. So if any of you are craving american mexican food, I know chipotle is very tempting but even a salad there can range from 600-1000 cals. T-bell all the way! aha. So yes.

Tomorrow is our one year anniversary. He has work. But we have the afternoon together. Plus Sunday. So that's that. And I still have to study. So it's alrighty. Oh and I've been maintaining 110lbs since the time that I set that to be my goal. So that's good. I guess. I've also noticed, your body takes like 2 days to change. So like if you fast for 1 day, then eat a tiny bit the next day the morning after that you'll probably be feeling smaller and what not. It's weird idk. It's like I can eat like 4 pieces of pizza and the next day be normal weight and look alright but then a day or two later I might feel gross and fat and such. It's strange. I can't explain it. but I think it's true xD whatevaa

Keep goin girls -Audri

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