12 September, 2010

"Don't become anorexic D:"

I said I won't. I like food too much and told him about my failed attempt to not eat.

Wouldn't it be pretty if I got to the double digits.

Why does it have to be wrong. No, really. Why is it so wrong to want to be thin? Well it isn't. but it becomes wrong when you're already "thin" and the only way to lose weight is to not eat as much as you burn off.

And why does it have to be so hard.

I should work out so I won't die when the zombies come... =.= (yes I'm joking, I doubt there will ever be zombies but hey, endurance is the one thing that will save your life. and a gun.)

I had Chinese food last night, ate a portion of it, got home and heated up the rest of it, only ate like half or less of that cause I was full. I purposefully left it out so I couldn't eat it. yay for me, it's now out of my life.

I'm kind of confused with life. oh crap I have a history test tomorrow. It's Sunday. bah.

okay. I am going to create a diet. the "destroy the fat person" diet. o.O

I'll post the rules later.

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