18 September, 2010

I'm not doing so hot today.
Yogurt - 100cal
bagel - 140cal
with butter - 50cal
Total: 290 -(12:30pm)

And there's a possibility of pizza, wings, and something at a restaurant.

Oh goodness I just accepted an invitation to Denny's. I know I will have hot tea (no sugar ;) water and, well, let me look at their nutrition info.... I'm gonna go insane. It would be better if I was okay with eating more then like 200cal at a time.

Okay. biscuit and gravy with egg. - 430cal I think it said. I'll live. I'll try.
Only allowed to have one piece of pizza (250cal) tonight.
and if we go out for appetizers don't get a dessert and pick what is probably the most healthy. or convince him to get taco bell.

omg. It totals to more then I had in two days this past week.....

update: it was a fun day, Jose got me a bracelet to match the necklace he gave me last Christmas. (: kind of a late anniversary gift. I danced a lot and stuff so hopefully burned off a good amount of calories. geez I think my stomach just growled. I had a square piece of cheese pizza, carrots and a few celery sticks, The buffalo chicken raps from Denny's and no calories drinks. Plus my breakfast stuff. Doesn't sound like a lot of food but the calories are out of control. Whatever. It doesn't matter. I was 106.5 still today. I'm happy that I'm maintaining. Tomorrow I'm only gonna eat clams at the clam bake. And diet soda or water. I've been getting used to sugarless tea too. Small breakfast. It'll all be cool. I won't look at the scale till Monday or Tuesday. No big deal. And I've been working so hard lately. My body needs a little restriction break. I'll eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. Well for tomorrow. Plus I need to get a lot of homework done and I don't need food stress x)

Hope you all had a great day/weekend!

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