13 September, 2010


I had sushi this morning, mainly because I had to eat it before it got bad. I knew I was gonna have kind of a shitty day so I decided to not eat for the rest of the day. so far so good but I still got 9 hours left before I sleep. I guess it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't think I did good on my history test though. I'm disappointed about that. I'm pretty sure I did good on my essay but you can't bullshit multiple choice questions. There goes my 100% in that class. d; I like the beginning of grading periods cause it's nice to have 100% in classes. I still have all A's though (I know, it's only the 3rd or 4th week of school) but I feel pretty good about it though.

I only had a bite of chicken when we went up to McDonalds with friends. Jose made me. Less than 3 and a half hours left. he's sleeping so hopefully we'll get out of dinner. If not I'll have as little as possible saying I have no appetite and my stomach hurts. lets hope. the sushi was at least 300 calories. Probably closer to 500 actually. That's enough for one day. And about the diet plan, those for days when I don't eat less. make any sense?

I went the rest of the night without food, yay. Lets see how I feel tomorrow, I think I'm always going to start off with a good healthy breakfast. It'll at least kick my metabolism in gear for the day. Sorry for the weird format. I think I'm going to change basically everything (visually) about my blog tomorrow. that is if I don't have too much hw. well good night and have wonderful days tomorrow!

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