04 October, 2010


I want a change. Nough said.

Goals for October
- Possibly change birth control
- Maintain my weight (continue to not worry about it)
- Keep up with the regular yoga and sit-ups
- Get a B in AP US History (being... semi-realistic here)
- shoot for an A in all other classes
- Get a job

I don't want to go over board so that's enough. There's about 3 that I actually have to work for. Well 2 real hard, 1 go out of my way, and the other 3 are just maintaining. I can do it, right? I was having just "one of those days" I don't know how to explain it. But I hung out with Jose and he makes me feel better. I always plan to talk to him but it's difficult for me to do and especially when just being with him makes me feel better. I also had a little binge with chocolate milk, this little biscuit thing and a Swiss roll. I didn't eat the peanut butter crackers though! and because of it I'm gonna have a small dinner. aha idk x) that could have made me cry or something crazy before but it's no big deal.

Well off to dinner. Gotta do some homework and possibly get a good nights rest. Plan out some things maybe. Things will be good. I may update more often on my goals but who knows. Hope everyone is doing great!

Stay Positive.
That's the thing that'll get you through till tomorrow, and the next day, and so on and so forth.

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